Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I wonder how Palmares began.  Where did the idea to set up a safe society for runaway slaves come from?  And how did it go so long without being noticed?  The people of Palmares had to set up a stable community with its own government and religion, as well as be self-sufficient and safe, before it would be able to withstand any attacks from the outside.  To do something like that would take years.  By the time that outsiders began to take notice of Palmares, it already had good defenses and many, many people to protect it.  It's a pity that we do not have any records from the people of Palmares; only from outsiders who observed them.  And these outsiders only considered them to be savages and a threat to nearby plantations.  There is obviously much more to the people of Palamares than that.  It would be interesting to see how the whole settlement actually began and turned into the legend that it is now.

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