Sunday, November 14, 2010


Until last week, the only thing I knew about Rastafari was that it involved Bob Marley.  I found it to be a really interesting religion that now involves not only people of African descent, but people from all over the world.  It's not just about dreadlocks and smoking, but about peace and the fight for equality despite poor conditions for so many people in Jamaica.  It's also different from religions like Christianity or Catholicism, because the God that they worship is someone that has actually lived recently, and that people remember and have met.  But I wonder if all of the Rastas would, if the time came, actually leave Jamaica and return to Africa.  They already have lives and friends and family where they are; would they truly be able to leave all of that behind and start over just because their faith tells them that this is what they are supposed to do?  And is it really possible for that many people to actually do so?